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Samstag, 10. September 2011


The Investigation and Prosecution of Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity
Fugitive investigative services

One of the most important fields of activity of the global law enforcement community today is the apprehension of wanted persons.
Fugitives pose a serious threat to public safety worldwide. They are mobile and opportunistic; they frequently finance their continued flight from the law through further criminal activities, which may result in criminal charges in more than one country.
Fugitives also undermine the world’s criminal justice systems. They may have been charged with a violation of the law but not been arrested. They may have been released on bail and then fled to avoid prosecution or, perhaps they have escaped from prison. When fugitives flee, cases are not adjudicated, convicted criminals fail to meet their obligations, and crime victims are denied justice.
INTERPOL’s activities in relation to international fugitives have been part of its core business since the organization’s creation. INTERPOL circulates internationally, at the request of member countries, electronic diffusions and notices containing identification details and judicial information about wanted criminals.
The INTERPOL Red Notice has been recognised in a number of countries as having the legal value to serve as a basis for provisional arrest. The persons concerned are wanted by national jurisdictions or International Criminal Tribunals, where appropriate, and the Red Notice is intended to help police identify or locate these individuals with a view to their arrest and extradition.
INTERPOL created the Fugitive Investigative Service to offer more proactive and systematic assistance to member countries by:
  • providing investigative support to member countries in ongoing international fugitive investigations with a view to locating and arresting wanted persons;
  • co-ordinating and enhancing international co-operation in the field of fugitive investigations;
  • collecting and disseminating best practice and expert knowledge;
  • conducting and co-ordinating relevant research and serve as a global point of reference for fugitive-related information.

The General Secretariat is expanding its role in providing international co-ordination and support for law enforcement agencies in member countries and international organizations responsible for the investigation and prosecution of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against Humanity.
Interpol has been supporting member countries and the ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals in the location and apprehension of criminals wanted for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against Humanity since 1994, primarily through the publication of Red Notices and the provision of other investigative assistance. However, many countries have recently expanded their activities in this field, and have established specialized units dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of these offences regardless of where they have occurred.
From 23 to 25 March 2004, General Secretariat hosted the First International Expert Meeting on War Crimes, Genocide, and Crimes against Humanity in Lyon, France. Ninety three delegates and observers from 39 countries and international organizations attended this meeting. Over the course of three days, the delegates viewed presentations and participated in discussions aimed at identifying the needs of the member countries and international organizations with a view towards improving coordination and information sharing. At the conclusion of the meeting, a list of recommendations was adopted.
From 21 to 22 July 2004, in furtherance of Recommendation no 9 adopted at the expert meeting, the General Secretariat hosted the First Working Group Meeting on Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity, in Lyon. Fourteen delegates from twelve countries and two international organizations participated in the discussions and made recommendations concerning ways to address the needs identified at the expert meeting. The recommendations included the increased use of Interpol databases, the preparation of a best practice manual, and identification of points of contact in member countries.
On 7 October 2004, the General Assembly adopted Resolution number AG-2004-PRES-17 which recommended that, within the limits of national and international law, ICPO-Interpol member countries should cooperate with each other and with international organizations, international criminal tribunals, and non-governmental organizations as appropriate in a joint effort to prevent genocide, war crimes, and crimes against Humanity, and to investigate and prosecute those suspected of committing these crimes; asked the General Secretariat to assist member countries in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes; and asked the Secretary General to bring the present resolution to the attention of the appropriate United Nations authorities and other international organizations.
The General Assembly Delegates also authorized an accord to be signed with the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to improve co-operation between the two organizations in assisting the fight against transnational crime and upholding justice. The agreement will also allow the International Criminal Court access to Interpol's communications network and databases.
From 23 to 24 February 2005 the General Secretariat hosted the Second Working Group Meeting on Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity, in Lyon. Eighteen delegates from thirteen countries and three international organizations participated. The working group continued its work from the first meeting in July 2004 concerning improvement of information sharing and coordination of activities among member countries with regard to the investigation and prosecution of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against Humanity.
From 14 to 16 June 2005 ICPO-Interpol hosted the Second International Expert Meeting on Genocide, War Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity. The purpose of this 2nd expert meeting was to share information concerning the activities of units and organizations specialised in these types of investigations, to discuss ways in which the needs of these units and organizations can be fulfilled, and to enhance the cooperation among the many law enforcement, judicial, academic, and non-governmental organizations involved in this complex field.
The three-day conference included presentations on various countries’ war crimes programs and policies, the prosecution of Nazi war criminals, child soldiers, forensic science applications, human rights and international co-operation. There were also panel discussions on witness protection and international law and the role of non-governmental organizations in the investigation of genocide, war crimes and crimes against Humanity.

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