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Samstag, 10. September 2011

INTERPOL issues Red Notice for arrest of Muammar Gaddafi at request of International Criminal CourtIssuance is first step to INTERPOL formally recognizing Transitional National Council as leading Libya

Muammar Gaddafi

Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi

Abdullah Al-Senussi
LYON, France – INTERPOL has issued Red Notices for Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, his son Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and former director of military intelligence Abdullah Al-Senussi after the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno-Ocampo, requested the world police body to issue internationally wanted persons notices against the Libyan nationals for alleged crimes against humanity, including murder and persecution.

The publication of INTERPOL Red Notices for the three men is part of INTERPOL’s collaboration with the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC to assist cooperating member countries in their efforts to enforce the arrest warrants issued by the ICC.
The Red Notices have been circulated to all of INTERPOL’s 188 member countries and include essential identifying and judicial information.
In addition to the publication of the Red Notices, INTERPOL is offering the full support of its Command and Coordination Centre and asking its member countries to take all measures consistent with their national laws to help the ICC locate and apprehend Gaddafi.
"Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo’s request for INTERPOL Red Notices will significantly restrict the ability of all three men to cross international borders and is a powerful tool to help in their location and arrest,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble.
"As far as INTERPOL's General Secretariat headquarters is concerned, Muammar Gaddafi is a fugitive whose country of nationality and the International Criminal Court want arrested and held accountable for the serious criminal charges that have been brought against him.
"INTERPOL will cooperate with and assist the ICC and Libyan authorities represented by the Interim Transitional National Council of Libya to apprehend Muammar Gaddafi," added Secretary General Noble.
The publication of INTERPOL Red Notices for Gaddafi and the other two Libyan nationals will see INTERPOL's specialized Fugitive Investigation Support unit at its General Secretariat closely liaise with its National Central Bureaus worldwide to pool and update all relevant intelligence to ensure that they are located, arrested and surrendered to the ICC.
“Arresting Gaddafi is a matter of time.  By requesting an INTERPOL Red Notice the ICC ensures that the arrest warrant for Gaddafi is in the hands of law enforcement around the world,” said Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo.
Since INTERPOL and the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC signed a cooperation agreement in 2004, INTERPOL has worked closely with the ICC. In addition to the Red Notices now issued for these three Libyan nationals, there are currently seven valid Red Notices issued at the request of the ICC.
Since March 2011, through the publication  of Orange Notice global alerts against Colonel Gaddafi and other Libyan nationals, including members of his family and close associates, INTERPOL has been warning member states of the danger posed by the movement of these individuals and their assets following the sanctions established by United Nations Security Council resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011).

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